Mardi Gorman Consultancy is experienced in facilitating whole school curriculum days that are tailored to your school’s needs. Mardi will begin the planning process by collaborating with key personal, gathering data, and identifying goals for the day of learning.
Curriculum days are designed around a workshop model. There will be time for content delivery, time to work in groups to apply the content to classroom practice, and time to reflect and set goals for implementation. A highly interactive and engaging day of learning will be planned based on your specific literacy needs.
Mardi, you are a truly inspiring educator who kept me thoroughly engaged for the duration of the day. I was able to walk away feeling reassured by aspects of my current practice while also gaining new tools to work with to further enhance Reading in the Year One area.
Classroom Teacher – St Francis Xavier Primary School
Keep up the great work. Keep pushing the message about the importance of reading and what interests the reader. Mardi, your PDs are powerful and Influential. You can reach out to many teachers out there. The more lives we as educators touch, the better our world!
Classroom Teacher – Stevensville Primary School