My commitment to working with teachers in classrooms on a regular basis is work I am proud of, and which I consider crucial to the currency of my knowledge and practice. I ‘walk the talk’ to stay abreast of our education system at the ground level.  It is also the part that brings me real pleasure in my consultancy practice, being a classroom teacher at heart.

The model is built on working closely and collaboratively with individual teachers or teams of teachers to improve instructional practice in their classrooms. Depending on the length of engagement, the structure of the demonstration and coaching sessions may change to suit the time allocation and frequency of sessions.

We follow a gradual release of responsibility model to support teachers in refining their practice.

Different modes of practice are engaged such as:

  • one-on-one demonstration lessons and debrief sessions
  • lab-site sessions (group of teachers plan a lesson, observe a lesson and debrief the lesson)
  • team teaching and coaching sessions in small groups