Matthew Coney, Principal – Camelot Rise Primary School:

I have known and worked with Mardi since our involvement in the Melbourne University Network of Schools.

Throughout this time Mardi has been a rich source of knowledge, support and provided our staff with strategies to implement consistent high impact teaching strategies throughout our school. Mardi is very approachable and staff easily relate to her.

Mardi has worked with the staff at Camelot Rise since early in 2019. In this time Mardi has lead whole school Curriculum days, ran professional learning sessions, worked with the School Improvement team, modelled ‘best practice’ and provided feedback in relation to our school wide approach to Reading.

Mardi has had an enormously positive impact on the quality of teaching at our school and in return the student learning outcomes.

Mardi has a warm, friendly manner and is highly regarded by our school community. We are thrilled to have Mardi as part of our school’s improvement journey.

Donna O’Brien – Westbourne Grammar School:

I have had the privilege of being mentored by Mardi Gorman for a number of years. Mardi’s guidance and support has greatly enhanced my teaching practice. She has given me the confidence and tools to support my students and develop their love of literacy.

The strategies Mardi has taught me have been invaluable and used in my teaching of both lower and upper primary, and in the state and private school system.

Mardi’s warmth, approachability and generosity of spirit have enabled me to extend myself as a teacher and my teaching practice has changed completely.

Mardi’s influence on me as a teacher and learner cannot be understated and her knowledge and ability to impart her wisdom has been a gift to me. I

have worked with Mardi in my classrooms, in addition to attending a number of her PDs. I can honestly say that each time I leave with something to enhance my teaching practice that is easily implemented and enriches student learning.

Teaching and learning should be joyful, and I feel that Mardi encapsulates the qualities and skills of an exemplary teacher.

David Sutton, Principal – Maryborough Education Centre:

We initially became involved with Mardi during our participation in the University of Melbourne Network of Schools (UMNOS) where we chose a focus on reading. During this time, Mardi formed a clear understanding of our school and learners needs and supported us to create an action plan tailoring an approach to suit our P-12 and Specialist School.

At the conclusion of the UMNOS association, we have continued to employ Mardi to support us in the work started. Our leadership and staff highly regard Mardi’s literacy knowledge and expertise that is always backed by research and evidence.

Mardi has established trust with our school community and we look for her accurate and targeted feedback to help keep us on course. Core to all of this is Mardi’s passion to improve reading for all of our students which is evident in all her interactions.

Mardi is considered a friend of our school and has established herself as a highly respected member of the MEC team.